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Body of Knowledge

Body of Knowledge

YunTing Tsai is interested in making moving images. Her works have been presented in Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Sweden, Hungary, Bulgaria, South Africa, Turkey, India, Russia, Brazil, USA, Australia and China.

Betwixt and Between

2012, 8’15”


the PEARLS 15, the winner films of POOL

Betwixt and Between represents sometime in life, undecided, and somewhere between two alternatives, neither here nor there. I was in a midway position, in the middle of a period of time. A bit confused, but I was certain of leaving without any possible explanation.  The exposed concrete buildings were used as a metaphor.  I felt imprisoned inside a rigid and impregnable construction, not only the system but the limitations of life. It is painful to rebel directly against the walls. In order to travel, I leaned out over the iron railings instead, leveraging the power of those restrictions.  With the light that this brought, I was less panicked at least, in spite of the fact of being in an uncertain situation; partly virtual, partly real; seemingly virtual and real at the same time that I could not tell. The shadows cast over my travel become the echo of an ongoing journey.


2014, 6’45”


The pseudonymous name WǎngLiǎng has been mentioned in “Zhuang Zi” and “HuáiNánZǐ”. As said in HuáiNánZǐ, Plankton does not know what to seek while WǎngLiǎng not knowing where to go. There is a dialogue between WǎngLiǎng and shadow in “Zhuang Zi”. Shadow depends on the entity and WǎngLiǎng is shadow of shadow. WǎngLiǎng in Land was born in 1911. His ancestors came to Taipei (Taiwan) from Fujian(China). He built boats, planted vegetables and shouldered rice in Shezi Island. During World War II, in the uniform of Japanese officer , he returned to Fujian, holding the gun but asking the Fujian family to run away and stay alive to have their own son. WǎngLiǎng’s granddaughter went back to his land after he died many years. The old man planting vegetables does not own her grandfather’s land but he invited her into his hut built by a waste container to have tea.

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Yunting Tsai

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